Monday, April 27, 2009

Angels in the Making Class at UPJ-March 2009

These pictures were taken in our Pitt-Johnstown Winter Weekend 2009 Angels in the Making class. This class is being offered again (back by popular demand) in our 2009 Explore Spring program. All students gave me permission for the photos.

In the group picture:
Back row: Georgian Butura, Amy Wess, Adam Ryan, Tara Harrington, Andrea Sadvari Front row: Jean Urgolites, Tresa McVicker, and Martha Murphy

Tara Harrington (student in light green sweater w/dark hair) and
Instructor Martha Murphy (owner of Waking Bears Studio in Friedens, PA)
(holding newly created metal angel)

Instructor Martha Murphy (Waking Bears Studio) displaying a newly
created metal angel

Amy Wes showing her newly created metal angel (short hair in dk green

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Link for Recycled Art Show
Here's the link for online version of the CDT article on our Recycled Art Show.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

And the Winners Are.....

The winner in the youth division was Elijah Klock with his rendition of a dragonfly with chainsaw wings.

First prize in the adult division went to: Elli Groniger
Second prize went to: Dorothy Durrenberger
Third prize went to: Manya Goldstein

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Art Alliance OUT OF THE BOX

Rick and I had the honor of being chosen to be jurors for The Art Alliance Show in Lemont, PA. Stationed outside of State College, this charming little town boasts beautiful homes, quiet streets and a very ACTIVE Art group affiliated with The Art Alliance. (Although artists outside of the Art Alliance are invited to submit works.) The show's name is Recycled Art. This was their fifteenth annual one. This year's theme was "Out of the Box." Our arrival was a bit early, so we had a chance to peruse Lemont and also close by Boalsburg. We ate chocolates from a chocolate shop and were wired and excited to see the show. In the first corner, I was pleased to see three entries by the youth of the town. The winner, although all were winners in my book, was a young man whose dragonfly boasted chainsaw wings.

Choosing the "best" piece was not an easy task. For both of us, each piece had its own merits and the use of recycled items was clever in every instance. Aesthetic values and even the written blogs were helpful in choosing first, second and third place. I did feel there was a need for Honorable Mentions, of which there were four.

First prize was in my mind a collaborative effort with the piece made from old car hoods and with a wonderfully written dialogue on which the piece was based. Second place went to a piece with a story about where do all the mismatched soxs from the dryer and drawer actually go. Third place was a collage made from recycled items, too numerous to mention, but easy to pick out. I did not post individual photos as I did not get permission from the artists to do so:) Still, it is the work that matters; the maker is seen in the works.

We have not been able to leave our home for very long, due to a chronically ill father-in-law, so having a day escape was really much needed. For us to spend the day and evening with such a dynamic group of people was a great addition to our brief stay in State College/Lemont. Not only was the show well attended, but we were able to make great contacts and connect with friends. Even though it is far away, there was a certain positive energy that lets me hope that I can become a member of the Art Alliance.

For those who can see that recycling can indeed make some fine art pieces......HURRAH for your visions!