Sunday, April 24, 2011

Noah's Ark Watercolor

At most of the schools where I work, there is rare opportunity to actually demonstrate and work on my own pieces. Fortunately, at this last school I was able to accomplish this piece. I was asked not to speak about God if asked by any of the students about the piece. For me, this piece really just is about that fact we are all part of this earth.....small and insignificant....but also whimsical and fun!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Residency at West Hempfield Elementary School

After firing about 1200 clay tile pieces, I am finally finishing up my residency at West Hempfield Elementary School. This twenty day residency, having been split into 10 day sections allowed me to single fire the clay works, work quickly with a core group of 5th graders and include the works of most of the school on the final pieces. Each child will also eventually take home a personal tile piece as a reminder of getting to work with real clay. Like many schools, this one does not have a kiln and the student body has only worked with model magic clay. I personally bought 150 pounds of porcelain clay, worked with all the students including Kindergarden through 5th grade and watched the true joy and curiousity of kids at work. Rick and I single fired the works to save about 6 loads in our kiln and I brought everything back this time around. While working on the mosaics, we also created a school alphabet that will be used in the library area. All the students got to learn a little bit about color mixing using primary colors and there was a ton of brain storming. Long days evolved and we even got to spend some time with working some creative writing into the mix. I hope to have photos tomorrow of all the pieces to the meantime, enjoy the start of the writing!

From A to Z

Artwork of the West Hempfield Elementary School

Residency March/April 2011


Creative, color

Painting, drawing, imagining

World without art is dull



Furry, brown

Gazing, hopping, eating

Long eared friend of ours



Clever, curious

Creeping, sneaking, purring

Sly eyes looking for mice



Green, blue

Searching, swimming, breathing

A beautiful sight in the sea



White, rainbow

Rolling, resting, being

Who does not love eggnog?



Red, quiet

Hunting, seeking, running

A red tail in the woods



Long, spotted

Gawking, stretching, eating

Green leaves out of reach



Sleek, friendly

Galloping, trotting, walking

A friend for life



White, cold

Snowing, freezing, sleeting

Eskimo dwelling on ice



Green, humid

Humming, singing, moving

A place of green and life



Grey, brown

Kicking, hopping, seeking

Baby in a secret place



Yellow, tawny

Growling, hunting, sleeping

King of the jungle



Quiet, grey

Hiding, digging, scaring

Radar ears hearing the cat


Friday, April 1, 2011

Waking Bear Studio is Back to Work

We are so happy to be back to work although most of our work is really happening on the weekends. My schedule is wonderfully busy with residencies scheduled until the end of May. We are both working on some new designs both for Waking Bear Studio and also for Gross Brothers Welding and Fabricating. I am not at all certain when Rick sleeps much but for now we will both keep pushing forward with our work.

I will post our upcoming show schedule and want to remind people about our Spring Arts Show at Glades Pike Winery on Sunday, April 10th from noon-4pm.....Public Welcome as always...

When I count my blessings...I count you twice...

So much more

More, More


Paintings galore

Latrobe Student Paintings

After editing these images, it occurred to me how many students chose trees to paint...I guess everyong is subconsciously looking forward to Spring!