Thursday, March 25, 2010

Progress at IUP

This past week at IUP found us doing a variety of things. As part of the class, the students read different articles each week basically talking about the benefits the arts can have in any class room. This week, the article was about working with physically and mentally challenged students and how to make them feel as if they belong and how to work around their own challenges.

Dr. Purnell brought in a "game" called Bendaroos as a way to create pictures that someone who was blind would be able to feel the artwork. The irony of this was that in teams of two, the students all created images having to do with water, boats, fish and even a sea turtle. After this activity, we got out our tools, glass and clay mosaic pieces to finish creating our large group piece.

As you can tell by the images, the women in this class chose the image of a tree, books, stars, roots and wind. We have created a "key" to show the representation and symbolism of each of the pieces we chose. We spent the morning putting the piece together, learning how to cut glass and working as a team. The pieces came home with me so I can grout them for next week. We will be doing a presentation of this work in the Dean of Education's Office on April the 7th, 2010.
Tree of the Eleven Strong

Clay= from the earth, grounded
Glass= window, transparency
Rocks= stability, strength
Tree= life, connection
Roots= foundation, thirsty
Brances= outreach
Leaves= change, transformation, growth
Books= knowledge, literacy, wisdom
Wind= change, flow, free spirit
Stars= diversity, guidance, light, hope
Dove= peace, flight, independence
Spirals= peace, harmony
Brown= earthly
White= purity, innocence
Red= passion, strength
Yellow= joy, optimism
Green= youth, vigor
Blue= life, femininity
Purple= wisdom

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Horse Metal PIece

It is not very often that Rick and I keep a piece of our own artwork for ourselves, but we just loved this piece! We finished this on Friday evening around midnight and had it on display Saturday am for the Home Show in Somerset. I have included one piece with me in it just to show the size of this piece. Some of the metal is recycled material I scrounged up at Gross Brothers Welding.

I have named this piece "Marriage". It symbolizes the relationship between Rick and myself. The water is our life and the protective nature of the larger horse shows the art between Rick and Martha. The contrasting stars are the signs of what we are striving for in life along with the spiral which denotes peace and harmony.

We hope you love this piece as much as we do. It is proudly displayed on our dining room wall!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lovely Spring

I am signing in after a miserable couple of weeks of more cold weather and snow to finally some great weather. Today was sunny and warm and the early morning song birds seemed positively gleeful with the spring weather. Rick and I have been putting on many long hours and finished a great piece last night around midnight. I am thrilled with what we created and we are at long last going to keep a piece of our own for the house.

The students and Laurel Highlands and IUP seem to be catching some of the spring fever too. At IUP we have been working on a mosaic too and I fired some clay pieces which will be included in that work. Laurel Highlands students have been busy with wood block prints and designs for their metal pieces. I am looking forward to setting up my metal shop with them and also putting together their pieces. Hopefully the spring weather will give us plenty of time and good weather to be outside.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Finishing the Mosaics

We have come to the conclusion of our mosaic projects. After much work, the students have had an exhibit put up in the lobby of their school during the school play. Our next projects with the Art 1 groups will be wood block prints and with the advanced classes, the metal sculptures and pop food art.